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Serving New Yorkers for over 38 years.


NYC Love Kitchen Mobile Food Pantry 
Harlem ,New York 

Hunger is big, but our LOVE is bigger.


A 2023 survey released by City Harvest and United Way of New York City polled more than 16,000 New Yorkers who received free food from the charity relief groups across the five boroughs. It found 87% of the respondents anticipate turning to food pantries and food banks more often in the coming months. 

Prior to the pandemic, 7.4 million New Yorkers visited food pantries and soup kitchens served by City Harvest from July to December 2019, according to the food rescue and distribution organization. During the same six-month period in 2020, the number surged to 12.7 million individuals, then dropped slightly the following year to 11.9 million people.

Forty-two million Americans are struggling with food insecurity. We know that among people who were already vulnerable—single moms and communities of color—that insecurity has worsened.

We aim to transform our community from a food-focused charities into community empowerment center that foster long-term stability and advocates for a paradigm shift away from the notion of hunger as a short-term emergency. Food is a human right not a privilege.

Our passion is born out of the Love of God for humanity.  In Matthew 25:35-36;40 (ESV) Jesus said: "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me... And the King will answer them, Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."

Feeding and Mending lives with the Bread of Life.

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Join us in the fight against food insecurity.


The Love Kitchen began December 23rd, 1987 and for the past 38 years we have been serving the Washington Heights, Inwood neighborhoods of Upper Manhattan, Harlem and Bronx from our space on the corner of West 204th and 9th Avenue.

6 Million +

Over the past 38 years, the love kitchen has provided over 6.7 million meals to our community through our daily feeding and weekly pantry.




Giving is one way in which you can join us in our mission to Feed and Mend lives.

Support the Love Kitchen financially and know that your money is being used to change lives.



We are always in need of volunteers to help prepare and serve food as we continue our mission to feed and mend lives.

Click here today to volunteer with us.

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